Alienum phaedrum torquatos nec eu, vis detraxit periculis ex, nihil expetendis in mei. Mei an pericula euripidis, hinc partem.

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ADVAS / Updates (Page 4)


Domestic violence perpetrators exert control over their victims, and any suggestion that your support or help is contingent on the person doing something that you decide risks you making person feel the same way the perpetrator does. In this relationship, in these moments, you have one job – to love and support this person. You cannot...

We enter relationships with love, hope, and excitement for the future. But when things don’t go as we hoped, we often feel a mix of emotions. It is normal for people who are victims of domestic violence to feel conflicted about their partner and their situation. They may feel guilt and anger, or hope and despair,...

Family Violence: How To Help #4: Learn the warning signs. It is normal and natural for people who are the victims of violence to try to cover their physical and emotional injuries. Understanding the signs of domestic violence will help you to help people who are experiencing domestic violence. Physical signs: Bruises, scratches, and other marks –...

Family Violence: How To Help #3: Listen without judgment. If someone chooses to talk with you about domestic violence, listen to them. Listen without judging their story, without comparing it to others, without offering advice, and without suggesting solutions. If you actively listen, chances are that the person will tell you exactly what they need. In...

Airdrie and District Victims Assistance Society spread awareness for Domestic Violence Awareness Month Airdrie, Alta - Amid an increased number of women and children living with the harm and trauma of family violence, local assistance organizations are calling on community members to act against domestic violence and coercive control. Airdrie and District Victims Assistance Society (ADVAS) and...

We know that it can be hard to find the information you need at the best of times. It's even more challenging when you're stressed. Recognizing the opportunity to improve your ability to quickly find information to serve your needs, we have rebuilt the Victim Information section of our website. There, you will find easy to...